Towards a green transition in Danish aquaculture: Opportunities, challenges and new directions

AquaNet conference on Danish aquaculture, Grand Lecture Theatre (Festauditoriet)
Bülowsvej 17, Auditorium A1-01.01, 13 April 2023 8:30-16:00
Mathias Middelboe (KU-BIO)
Moonika Marana (KU-SUND)
Kurt Buchmann (KU-SUND)
Rasmus Nielsen (KU-IFRO)
Max Nielsen (KU-IFRO)
Violetta Aru (KU-FOOD)
Panel members (Roundtable discussions):
Johan Wedel Nielsen, Aquamind A/S
Søren Laurentius Nielsen, Tænketanken HAV
Niels Dalsgaard, Dansk Akvakultur/Musholm
Hilary Karlson, Bioøkonomisk Vækstcenter,
Guldborgsund Kommune
Mikkel Detz Jensen, Biomar A/S

8:30-9:00 Coffee and bread
9:00-9:15 Background and aims of AquaNet: Mathias Middelboe (KU-BIO)

9:15-10:10 Session 1: Challenges and limitations in Danish aquaculture production
(Chair: Kurt Buchmann, KU-SUND)
9:15-9:30 Potentials for sustainable growth in Danish mussel farming. Jens Kjerulf Petersen (DTU
9:30-9:45 Seaweed production in Denmark – status and challenges. Annette Bruhn (Aarhus
9.45-10:00 Green transition in Aquaculture in Denmark, and aquaculture as an important driver in
the green transition of the food production; challenge and possibilities. Lisbeth Jess Plesner (Dansk
10:00-10:10 Getting the camel through the eye of the needle, is permissions the biggest obstacle
to growth in Danish aquaculture sector? Johan Wedel Nielsen (Aquamind A/S)

10:10-10:25 Session 2: Aquaculture technology – Increasing production and reducing
environmental impact (Chair: Kurt Buchmann, KU-SUND)
10:10-10:25 Recent examples of how to reduce environmental impact. Per Bovbjerg Pedersen (DTU
10:25-11:00 Round table discussion on key aquaculture challenges, potential and solutions
(Session 1 and 2) (Moderator: Kurt Buchmann, KU-SUND)

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-11:30 Session 3: Economic aspects and perspectives: What is required to develop a more
climate friendly and economically viable aquaculture industry with a better reputation?
(Chair: Violetta Aru, KU-FOOD)
11:15-11:30 Economic aspects and perspectives: Towards a more climate friendly and
economically viable industry. Rasmus Nielsen (KU-IFRO)

11:30-11:45 Session 4: Food biotechnology – optimization of aquaculture products
(Chair: Violetta Aru, KU-FOOD)
11:30-11:45 Full exploitation of the biomass from aquaculture for food ingredients – is that possible?
Charlotte Jacobsen (DTU FOOD)
11:45-12:15 Round table discussion on improving aquaculture economy, reputation, climate
impacts and food products (Session 3 and 4) (Moderator: Max Nielsen, KU-IFRO)

12:15-13:15 Lunch

13:15-13:30 Session 5: Animal welfare: Is an increased aquaculture production compatible with
high animal welfare? (Chair: Moonika Marana, KU-SUND)
13:15-13:30 Animal welfare in green transition of Danish aquaculture. Nicolaj Lindeborgh (Animal
Protection Denmark)

13:30-14:00 Session 6: Disease prevention – sustainable alternatives to antibiotics (Chair: Moonika Marana, KU-SUND)
13:30-13:45 Prophylactic measures against diseases – exemplified by RTFS, bacteriophages,
changes in water parameters, management and hygiene. Lone Madsen (DTU Aqua)
13:45-14:00 Selective, marker-assisted breeding of disease resistant fish in aquaculture. Kurt
Buchman (KU-SUND)
14:00-14:30 Round table discussion on how to maintain and improve animal welfare and reduce
disease issues during and expansion of the aquaculture sector (Session 5 and 6)
(Moderator: Louise von Gersdorff Jørgensen, KU-SUND)

14:30-14:50 Break

14:50-15:05 Session 7: Funding landscape – opportunities for aquaculture funding in DK and EU
(Chair: Mathias Middelboe, KU-BIO)
14:50-15:05 Overview of the Danish and international aquaculture-related funding calls and
deadlines. Marie Terpager (KU-SCIENCE)
15:05-15:35 Round table discussions – brain storm on potential funding opportunities/projects for
supporting a future sustainable and expanded aquaculture sector (Session 7)
Moderator: Violetta Aru (KU-FOOD)
15:35-15:50 Wrap up and next steps. Kurt Buchmann (KU-SUND)

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