Hans Porse – Honorary member of ISA

Hans Porse er blevet æresmedlem i den internationale tangorganisation ISA (International Seaweed Association) pga hans store indsats for carrageenan industrien.

 Nedenfor er et link til den præsentation, der blev givet af Susan Holdt (generalsekretær i ISA) ved nomineringen til den prestigefyldte titel, da ISA i 2023 i Tasmanien afholdt “24th International Seaweed Symposium”.

                                                                       LINK:  Hans Porse – Honorary member of ISA – 2023

 Hans Porse has become an honorary member of the ISA (International Seaweed Association) due to his great efforts for the carrageenan industry.

 Above is a link to the presentation given by Susan Holdt (Secretary General of the ISA) at the nomination for the prestigious title when the ISA held the “24th International Seaweed Symposium” in Tasmania in 2023.


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