Kære alle medlemmer af Tangnetværket. Det første tangnetværks møde i Havhytten ved Ishøj er vel overstået og med succes. Nu står efteråret for døren og dermed en masse tid til fordybelse i tangens forunderlige verden. Læs om: – Tang, alger og søpølser på menuen – Tangsalve brugt til sårhealing – Proteiner fra rødalger i plantebaseret kød – Hverdagsmad med tang – Nyt partnerskab – Call for abstacts til “Den 10. Nordiske tang konference” i Grenå. – Tang kloden rundt Tangnetværket har fået en MobilePay box. Alle bidrag modtages med glæde og skulle nogen få lyst til at blive sponsor for Tangnetværket er I velkommen. Inden 2050 skal vi producere 70% flere fødevare end vi gør i dag, hvis vi skal kunne brødføde den stigende befolkning. Vi er begrænset på landarealer, men måske findes svaret på havets bund? Det forsker professor på DTU Fødevareinstituttet Charlotte Jacobsen i. Læs mere og se video Did you know? Seaweed burning was one of the oldest traditional industries to flourish around Ireland!The ash of the seaweed was mixed with animal fats to create an antiseptic and ointment for cuts and sores. This was due to the high iodine content in the seaweed. The type of seaweed used for this medicine was Laminaria hyperborea also known as tangle/cuvie! Read more |
Seaweed is well established as a source of thickeners and emulsifiers such as carrageenan and agar and has carved out a small segment of the healthy snacks aisle, but it could also give rivals a serious run for their money as a source of plant-based protein, says Berkeley-CA-based startup Trophic. Read more Illustreret opskriftsbog fyldt med tips og tricks til at bruge tang i hverdagens yndlingsretter. Bogen, der er udgivet i samarbejde med Nationalparken Mols Bjerge, er en praktisk guide i at finde og håndtere tang som råvare. Kan købes her We’re excited to announce a partnership with Metal Production and Institut for Bioscience – Aarhus Universitet in the development of our #Valuefarm ! The partnership is going to ✔ Select optimal seaweed species ✔ Optimize and upscale bioreactors ✔ Develop specific automation and monitoring systems. Read more We are happy to announce that call for abstracts for the 10th Nordic Seaweed Conference is now open! Reserve the date in October and submit your abstract. The theme of this 10 year anniversary conference will be “The next ten years – local to global” – where we focus on the progress needed in the next 10 years of production and applications of macroalgae – while acknowledging the past 10 years of progress. Read more Dear BioMarine Community, Dear seaweed community, after the successfull first edition of “Seaweed around the clock” we agreed to go one step further for the second edition. 24 hours of live sessions, from French Polynesia to Hawai. For each time zone that we will visit, for each session, we will start with a short video, presenting a seaweed project. See more |