Er du interesseret i at få kendskab til, hvordan man i EU Kommissionen arbejder med EU’s Blue bioeconomy, så har vi 16/9 2024 modtaget en henvendelse med tilbud om en praktikplads i DG MARE:
Dear colleagues
As you may have heard, there is an opportunity for young people in Europe to apply for the EU Blue Book traineeship to have a 5 months traineeship at the European Institutions. If selected, candidates are receiving a subsistence allowance
But there is also an opportunity to do an “atypical” (non-paid) traineeship at DG MARE, European Commission
This could be an opportunity for PhD students, young professionals etc from academia/research, NGOs, public authorities whenever relevant exchange or traineeship programs with funds exist
From one hand, it might not be so attractive, as DG MARE cannot cover any costs, but will provide a badge, Commission PC and the office. But from other hand, – it will be an invaluable experience in EU policy making by covering entire policy cycle, engaging with broad range of stakeholders, shaping and following projects and many more. Feel free to explore what EU does to support algae sector in the Infographic
Just to clarify that the EU blue bioeconomy aims at exploring and unlocking potential of marine organisms that so far have been neglected (algae, fish rest raw materials) or that are emerging (e.g. due to climate change) such as sea urchins, jellyfish, invasive crabs, invasive seaweed etc. European standard EN 17399:2020 defines algae as a functional group of organisms consisting of microalgae, macroalgae, cyanobacteria and labyrinthulomycetes.
In practical terms, such a trainee would work with me on the EU Blue Bioeconomy and algae file (e.g. on implementation of the EU Algae Initiative, with EU4Algae and many more) and would be part of DG MARE Aquaculture team. As well as she/he will be kept in the loop of the latest EU policy developments on blue economy sectors, MSP, ocean energy, tourisms, ports, boating etc
We cannot announce this as an open call, but maybe your organizations or networks having relevant profiles would be interested in such an opportunity.
Let me know, if this is a case
Best regards,
Policy officer on Blue Bio economy, Algae and Marine Aquaculture
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Unit A2: Blue economy sectors, Aquaculture and Maritime spatial planning Joseph II Street 99, Office: 6/10 Brussels, B-1049 Brussels/BelgiumOffice phone/Skype for business: +32 2 29 86991, e-mail: