Following the success of our 2015 and 2016 events, we are very excited to announce the upcoming 2017 GlobalSeaweed Workshop!
We will host you on the week of the 8th – 12th of May 2017 at SAMS in Oban, Scotland. Attendance on this course is limited and we already received several pre-bookings so book early! Places will be allocated on a first-come, first served basis.
Our third edition will beef-up the program of our two previous workshops and explore the potential and challenges of seaweed cultivation. This 5 days event will blend lectures by experts, interactive round tables, field and laboratory sessions. To explore the genetic, conservation and policy challenges posed by rapid seaweed domestication, this 2017 edition will feature a worldwide selection of leading scientists in the fields of Seaweed Genomics, Breeding, Pathology, Ecology and much more!
-For more information on the Workshop, please Click Here! – You will find details on the program, invited experts, a news report on our 2016 edition and links for online booking.
-For details on the Policy outcomes of the GlobalSeaweed Workshops, you can read our recent SAMS-United National University Policy Brief
-For an Overview of our activities Click Here!
We look forward having you in Oban!
On behalf of SAMS and the GlobalSeaweed Network,
Yacine Badis