Jeg håber I nyder det dejlige vejr, selvom det sørme er varmt. Deltag i arrangementet “Havets spisekammer”, som Tangnetværket afholder sammen med Havhytten i Ishøj, lørdag d. 13 august fra 10-14. Tag til Spanien, Australien eller Grenå på konference, eller læs om nye spændende projekter. Se udkast til bæredygtig akvakultur fra bæredygtig fiskeri og kom selv med forslag. Læs om hvordan en reje bestøver en rødalge og spis østers fremstillet fra tang og svampe og få din egen bioreaktor. God fornøjelse. Tangnetværket har fået en MobilePay box. Alle bidrag modtages med glæde og skulle nogen få lyst til at blive sponsor for Tangnetværket er I velkommen. Havbonde og muslingekok for en dag. I anledning af årets muslingehøst inviterer Ishøj Naturcenter til høstning af den maritime nyttehave, smagsprøver over bål og en snak om havet som ressource. Adressen er Ishøj Naturcenter, HavhyttenSkovvej 53, Ishøj. Invitation og Tilmelding. The 24th ISS committee has chosen the theme ‘Seaweeds in a changing world’, to focus on ongoing changes in seaweed aquaculture practices, industrial processing, future products and markets, local and global environmental change, and scientific advances that will change our understanding of how seaweeds function at all levels of organisation. Registration will open soon for the Symposium. Submit your abstract for presentation by 10 August 2022. See more The focus this year is: Innovative applications of seaweed Food – Health – Feed – Materials – Naturebased solutions. Deadline for abstract submission: 19th of August 2022. See more. Available worldwide, seaweeds are incredibly rich sources of nutrients and unique bioactives. At the “Seaweed for Health” conference we will present an opportunity for people from many backgrounds to discuss the health-promoting properties of seaweed compounds, including novel functional ingredients that can be used for the formulation of food, feed, nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals and pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, we will discuss toxicological aspects and regulatory issues as well as some barriers for industrial exploitation and commercialization of seaweed. Read more. |
Der vil i nærmeste fremtid blive etableret et link på forsiden af Tangnetværkets hjemmeside, hvor det er muligt at gå ind og bestemme hvilken art af tang, som man har fundet. Linket vil blive placeret imellem Sponsorer og Kontakt, øverst på siden og er målrettet Tangnetværkets brugere. There is a growing need to produce more food in a sustainable way. SusKelpFood draws on key expertise from Nordic (Norway, Denmark and Iceland) research institutions, a major food producer (Orkla Foods Norge) and kelp producers to address innovation in the food sector. Interested Hermed orientering om offentlig høring af Udkast til Strategi for en bæredygtig akvakultursektor 2022-2027.Høringsfristen er mandag den 15. august 2022.Link til høringsportalen: Høringsdetaljer – Høringsportalen ( Bækgaard Fuldmægtig | Bæredygtigt Fiskeri The main objective of PlastiSea is to develop novel bioplastic materials based on cultivated and wild species of brown algae. Read more B’ZEOS is a green-tech company that develops novel bio-based packaging solutions. We believe in the power of biotechnology in solving the plastic waste challenge and want to bring about meaningful and lasting change to our environment. Our regenerative materials replace the need for single-use plastic.Read more SeaMark will utilise recent ground-breaking selective breeding technologies within EU seaweed crop genetics to increase biomass yield. Read more It has long been known that insects such as bees help plants reproduce, by spreading pollen from one plant to another. Now, however, a similar arrangement has been discovered in the undersea world – involving red algae and tiny crustaceans.Read more is developing cultivated oysters, and says it’s the first cultivated meat company to tackle oysters and oyster shells. TAKEAWAY: Pearlita is a funding recipient of Sustainable Food Ventures and Big Idea Ventures New Protein Fund, and revealed its first prototype last week, an oyster made from mushrooms and seaweed. It is also producing a biodegradable oyster shell that requires no shucking.Read more Beautifully designed, energy-generating bio-panels that suck up carbon dioxide and pump out biomass for use as fuel or fertilizer – that’s the idea behind Mexican startup Greenfluidics and its nanotech-enhanced microalgae bioreactor building panels. Read more Medlemsskabet af Tangnetværket er gratis, og det er arrangementerne som regel også. Men der er udgifter forbundet hermed, så har du lyst til at støtte Tangnetværket, er du meget velkommen til at indbetale et beløb – stort eller lille – til vores MobilePay: box14962. Det vil være tang-nemlige for. Hvordan? |